3D Laser scanning
& Metrology

After investing heavily in this technology, we have the following equipment at our disposal

Geomagic Control x

Reverse engineering and inspection software

Polyworks modeller

Reverse engineering and inspection software

Faro Focus 330

Lidar scanner 2mm accuracy 330m range very Large volume

Geomagic Design X

Reverse engineering software

Creaform GoScan spark

Structured light scanner 0.1µm accuracy 0.05-15m volume

Faro Quantum M with SD blue LLP

Probing and laser scan ~30µm accuracy 0 -3m volume

Creaform Handyscan Black

Hand held laser ~30µm accuracy 0.05 – 6m volume


Lidar scanner 0.5mm accuracy 50m range large volume

Creaform Metra scan 700

Hand held laser and probing ~30µm accuracy 0.05 – 20m volume

Max shot 

Photogrammetry based accuracy enhancer for Creaform products 1-300m

Mantis F5-SR

Structured light scanner 0.25mm accuracy 0.1-3m³ volume

All post processing is carried out using Geomagic, Polyworks, & Solidworks.

Here’s a few examples of previous scanning jobs

Ford F-Series bulkhead, scanned & converted to a solid model (defence project)



Surfaced and converted to Solid

Shimada lead screw, scanned & compared against cad file for deviance analysis

Shimada scan

Shimada cad

Shimada deviance

Replication of a Matra-Simca Bagheera front light bezel SLS 3d print




Solid model

High-end speaker cradle product development for Harbeth Audio

Original component


Solid model

Redesigned part

For more information contact us here